Monday, September 17, 2012

He Loves Me


Today I got to kiss baby fingers. I got to hold her as we looked out the window and feel her sweet little head rest on my shoulder. I got to watch a smile break out on her face when she saw herself in the mirror. I got to listen to baby babbles, squeals, growls (the cutest) and even a some small cries. I got to soothe those cries with a bottle full of milk and sit quietly as I held her in my arms.

Today was my due date and, as close as I got to forgetting it, there was no way it would completely leave my mind. The closer September 17th came, the more I tried to think of something special to do on that day. Nothing ever came to mind so I brushed those thoughts aside.

Today, in the late afternoon, I was washing the dishes and I suddenly remembered. I felt the Lord's love wash over me as I thought about my morning.

I got to kiss baby fingers. 

It's these intricately designed moments that remind me how much I am loved by my Father in heaven. He planned such a special day for me and I couldn't feel more at peace.

I know He loves me and that He loves me enough to give me my own sweet little baby's fingers to kiss on my next due date, whenever that may be.

He loves me and, if you're wondering, He loves you, too.


  1. This post. Your writing is so beautiful! It made me happy and sad and feel at peace all at the same time. What a blessing it is to know how much our Heavenly father loves and is aware of us. I'm glad you got to kiss baby fingers today - that is one of my most favorite parts of little babies.

  2. I read this the other day, and this post made me think of it:

    "Miracles are not always so immediate. At times we thoughtfully wonder why the miracle we have so earnestly prayed for does not happen here and now. But as we trust in the Savior, promised miracles will occur. Whether in this life or the next, all will be made right. The Savior declares: "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." .... "Jesus told the leader of the synagogue, "Be not afraid, only believe." Discipleship is believing Him in seasons of peace and believing Him in seasons of difficulty, when our pain and fear are calmed only by the conviction that He loves us and keeps his promises."
    -Neil L. Anderson April 2012 General Conference

    You are such a great example of a faithful daughter of God Sara, and the Lord will continue to bless you for it and be mindful of you. Thank you for sharing your faith and being an example for the rest of us.

  3. My sweet Sara....your were a joy to me the moment you were born, and that love will continue forever as you bring your precious babies into this world. Forever and ever my baby you'll be. :)

  4. This was beautiful!! You have such a way with words. That "due date" is a bittersweet day I'm glad yours turned out to be so wonderful :)

  5. And when I say bittersweet I mean bitter but sweet when you remember the bigger plan :)
